Mon - Fri 10:00 Am to 5:00 Pm email the office 020 7274 3140


Bermondsey Central Hall

Who we are:

Bermondsey Central Hall is a Methodist church with a wide range of people of all ages and many different backgrounds.  Whoever you are, wherever you are from, you will be sure to find a warm welcome.

BCH, as it is affectionately known, is on the corner of Bermondsey Street and Decima Street in south-east London.  It has been there since September 1900. Part of the Southwark and Deptford Circuit of the Methodist Church, BCH is a welcoming family church with over 250 adult members and a youth group of around 50.

When to arrive:

Sunday service starts at 11am, and if it’s your first time its probably best to turn up around 10:50. For directions and the best bus or train routes, please see the Find Us page.

What to wear

Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. We accept people as they are. So whether it’s a pair of jeans or a traditional outfit from back home, as long as you are comfortable so are we.

What to expect:

We know that the ‘first day’ anywhere can be a challenging experience, but try not to worry as we are a warm welcoming place. Here’s a quick summary of what you can expect at Bermondsey Central Hall.  Service starts at 11am and worship is made up of hymns led by the church choir, readings from the Bible, prayers and an address by the Minister or local preacher leading worship. Normally on the first Sunday each month we celebrate Holy Communion and this and the third Sunday are normally all-age worship services.  These are interactive and fun for children both big and small.  On the remaining Sundays, at about 11:20 the children and teenagers leave for junior church. There is also a creche avaliable on these days.

Our Address:

  • 256 Bermondsey Street
  • London
  • SE1 3UJ

Telephone: 0207 407 2014



Christ Church East Dulwich

We are a combined Methodist and United Reformed Church in East Dulwich (Barry Road, just off Lordship Lane).

Our 11am morning service is the main service of the day and is family friendly. We occasionaly meet in the evenings at 6.30pm

Christ Church is made up of a Methodist Church and a United Reformed Church which joined together some years ago. The Church is administered by an Elders Council elected by church members and a Church Meeting. The Elders Council meets about every six weeks and receives reports on and makes decisions concerning finance, the centre, cafe, pastoral concerns, worship, hire of the building etc.

The Church Meeting is held three times a year after morning worship. It consists of all church members and all members are expected to attend as part of their membership obligations.

There are also various committees such as Bread of Life Cafe Development, Fair Trade Centre Development, Pastoral, Worship and Property.

The Bread of Life Fair Trade Centre can offer sale or return on food & craft products for groups eg Church groups. To make use of our sale or return facility please ring in advance to arrange. References are required the first time you make use of this facility. You can contact the Centre by email: or phone: 020 8693 4170


Deptford Methodist Mission

Deptford Methodist Church is part of the Southwark and Deptford Circuit along with Bermondsey Central Hall, Christ Church Dulwich, Herne Hill United Church, Manor Church, Peckham Church and Walworth Methodist Church.

Our main Sunday service begins at 10.30am and is normally led by our Minister and local preachers.

Our services are quite lively with a mixture of contemporary modern praise songs and traditional hymns. We have a growing Junior Church who frequently challenge us with what they have learnt, and there is plenty of time for interaction in our services during Family Time. We encourage members of our congregation to share about their lives and to witness to what God is doing in them.

Deptford Central Hall was built on slum clearence land in 1903. It was deliberately designed so that it didn’t look too church like to attract people into the building who might be put off by a traditional church. When it opened it had a membership of 221, which grew to 1646 by 1908.

The mission always had a deep concern for the poverty in the neighbourhood which arose from the intermittent employment opportunities at the local docks. The mission sought to meet the needs of families through soup kitchens, breakfasts for children, distributions of used clothing and even a fund to enable children to go to the seaside.

From the 1920’s the Mission had a concern for disabled and elderly people, reflected in what was then called “The Cripples Guild” and the “Cosy Corner” drop in, and what we now call the Disabled Peoples Centre (DPC).

The church was bombed in 1940 and the entire west side of the building was destroyed, including the original worship space and the tower. Planning the rebuilding took a long time, but the Mission as it is now opened in 1956, with a renewed energy for it’s work in the community.

The Mission celebrated its centenary in 2003.


The Mission has always been concerned with the local community, especial its most vulnerable members and this concern is still seen today through the work we are involved with.

The (DPC) is still going strong, with growing numbers on our Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday club days and the Monday club, and lots of opportunities for volunteers. The church no longer boasts thousands of members, but has a primarily West African congregation of around 50 people each week and numbers are steadily growing.

Though we are no longer able to offer the extensive community services that the Mission offered in its heyday, we still see ourselves as primarily looking out to the needs of Deptford, and as such rent out alot of the space in the building to community groups. These groups all operate with the wellfare of local people as their primary concern and so the original work of the mission continues, albeit in different forms.

In 2008 Deptford Methodist Church became a part of the Southwark and Deptford Circuit.


1 Creek Road





Church: 020 8692 0048

DPC: 020 8692 5599

Fax: 020 8692 1232




Herne Hill United Church

An ecumenical United Reformed/Methodist Church serving the communities of Herne Hill, Dulwich and the surrounding area.

We seek to understand and follow the teachings of Jesus: showing God’s love for all people, making everyone welcome, and offering friendship and care.
How we do this

Every Sunday at 10.30am we share lively and meaningful worship which includes a Junior Church for children of all ages.

Herne Hill United Church is a lively, friendly church, blessed with a congregation of all ages and many ethnic backgrounds.  Our Minister from 1st September 2015 is Revd Paul Weary. 


Or you can leave a message on the office telephone:

020 7738 7434.

We have a thriving Junior Church and organise a variety of activities for our children, both on Sundays and during the week.

Music forms an important part of our worship every Sunday, and we are proud of our Youth Choir as well as our occasional Adult Choir and our resident organist.  Our Junior Church leaves the morning service after the first fifteen minutes to have their own teaching and activities.

On the third Sunday of most months we celebrate Holy Communion.

Our members are involved in activities and groups to serve the community and our premises are also available to outside users.

Manor Methodist Church

Church Profile: “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof”. (Matthew 13:31-32). Manor Methodist Church is a mustard seed but we are determined by the power of the Holy Spirit to grow it to become big so that all “birds” can come and nest on its branches. We are positioning ourselves to deliver every positive thing small church could offer; intimacy, loyalty, simplicity, identity, opportunity and many more.

General Information:

Church Address: Manor Methodist Church

40 Galleywall Road

       London SE16 3PB



Meeting Times:

Sunday: (Morning Worship) 10:30am-12.00 noon.

We do have Sunday school most Sundays.

Wednesday: (Bible Study) 7:30pm-8:30pm

Our building is used for nursery and child care Monday-Friday. We also offer space for other church meetings and group activities. Our hall can be hired on Saturdays for parties and other events but no alcohol is allowed.

Pastoral Ministry


Phone Numbers: 0207 652 8052/ 07877 651 861


  •     Eric Bediako
  •     Emmanuel Tabi-Gyansah
  •     Felix Otabil
  •     Noel Quinty-Williams
  •     Kayode Cline-Thomas

Peckham Methodist Church

Peckham Methodist Church was opened on the 1st June 1974. It was dedicated for the worship of God, preaching of the everlasting gospel, celebration of the Holy Sacrament, hallowing of family life, teaching and guidance of the young, ministry of friendship, comfort and joy, service to the community, comfort to all who mourn, strength to those who seek the way, unity of the faith, bond of Christian brotherhood and love and goodwill to all.

Address: Woods Road, London SE15 2PX

Church office telephone number: 020 7639 8263

Services: Sunday service is held at 11 am. Holy Communion service is held on the first Sunday of each month. Funerals, weddings and baptisms are by arrangement with the minister.


Telephone: 020 7652 8052


Midweek activities:

Tuesdays at 7.30 pm bible studies

Fridays at 8pm the Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) meet

Mondays and Tuesdays between 12pm and 2pm, the minister is available at the church  for  pastoral care. 

The church’s priority is:

  • Worship
  • Learning and Caring
  • Service
  • Evangelism

The church’s aspiration :

Primacy of worship & development of faith

Grow spiritually through teaching & sacrament

—Hold gospel values

—Be the voice of  justice

—Be Proud of our Methodist heritage

Provide mutual support

Inclusivity and  respect for individuals

—A resource to the whole community

—A place of joy, comfort & fellowship

—Resource and equip future disciples &  ministers

Peckham Methodist  church is a warm and friendly church and exists to serve the people who live in Peckham and surrounding neighbourhood.


Walworth Methodist Church

There has been a Methodist witness on the site where we worship and witness since 1813 – that’s 190 years. Just imagine what changes have taken place during those years. Horses, carts and carriages travelling on a rough track have given way to bus lanes, traffic lights and the 24 hour traffic that speeds or causes congestion along Camberwell Road as it makes its way into or away from central London.

The church has changed with the times and the congregation would be unrecognisable to the Wesleyan congregation of the 1800’s or the Clubland members of the 1950’s.

We give thanks that today, at the beginning of the 21st century, the church has a larger membership than at any time in its history – over 500 members on the roll, and congregations in our two services averaging over 350 each week.

Over 95% of our membership is black, with the largest number coming from West African families, and the worldwide dimension of the Christian family is always evident in our worship and our weekly programme.

We give thanks to God for enabling us to relate a message that is 2,000 years old in relevant worship and witness.

The past few years have seen changes as well. Not the least with the changes at the front of the building which is now complete.
In July 2003, we ended our management of the Hostel and with the ‘Big House’ now into its fifth year of operation (with 17 residents, who were formerly ‘rough sleepers’ now living back in the community) and we are in the process of working with another agency to use the remaining 36 rooms  for single homeless people.

Our two services every Sunday are at 09.30am and 11.00am with Holy communion on 3rd Sundays for the 9.30am service and 1st Sundays for the 11.00am service.

The 11.00am service is broadcast live on our Facebook Page

Our Ministers are Revd David Markay and Revd Paul Weary.


54 Camberwell Road



Telephone: 0207-703-2477

